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Old Capitol Quilters Guild
Officer & Committee Responsibilities


The Old Capitol Quilters Guild is a volunteer-run organization. Listed below are the guild committee duties. Joining a committee is an excellent opportunity to get to know fellow guild members and find out how the guild functions. Time commitment varies with each committee. If you are interested in joining a committee, you can contact members of that committee (listed in each issue of the newsletter) or OCQG Presidents (  for more information.


A current directory of officers and committee members is available in the Members Only section on this website. If you are not a member but want to contact an officer or committee, send your inquiry to and we will forward it to the appropriate individual.




PRESIDENT: The President is responsible for leading the Board meetings and monthly guild meetings. She also oversees the committee activities for the year.

SECRETARY: The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes for the Board meetings and monthly meetings of the guild. The minutes are provided to the Historian for storage with the other archival records of the Guild and to the Technology Committee for posting on the website.

TREASURER: The Treasurer is responsible for keeping financial records and paying all bills, including outlining a proposed budget for the upcoming year and communication with committee chairs and membership of records throughout the year.




The Program Committee is responsible for finding and setting up programs throughout the year. They contract with outside speakers, set up workshops, and advertise the programs. They book speaker lodging, arrange dinner before the meeting, and arrange for the guild to pick up any expenses (i.e., travel, food, etc.). The committee is also responsible for reserving the church hall for meetings, workshops, and service day. In addition, they develop and promote the guild challenge for the year.


The mission of the Service Committee is to share our guild's talents and time with the community. Guild members complete quilts made from kits provided by the committee or fabric from their own "stash.”


The committee delivers completed quilts of requested sizes to UIHC Children's Hospital, Veterans Affairs Hospital, Domestic Violence Shelter, and 4Cs (Community Child Care Center), as well as other organizations that may make special requests for fundraising/auctions or at times for special needs (e.g., placemats for Meals on Wheels or pillowcases for Shelter House). Members also provide burp cloths for Visiting Nurses, burp cloths, and bags for 4Cs and bibs for Home Ties Child Care Center.


Each February the guild has a day-long Service Sew Day instead of a regular evening meeting. Members may bring their own machines and work on quilts from kits assembled by the Service Committee or do hand work to sew on binding and labels. It's a fun way to get to know other members while contributing to those in need in the community.



The Membership Committee is responsible for collecting yearly dues from old and new members and compiling a membership list for distribution at the November meeting. They provide information to new members to make them feel comfortable at meetings and connect them with Guild committees and services. The Committee sends updates as new members join to the Newsletter and Technology committees so that USPS mailing lists and electronic distribution lists for the website and MailChimp accounts can stay current.



The Historian is responsible for documenting the history of the guild; taking pictures at workshops, speakers, and all the quilts shown during show and tell. In 2021 this committee will have special responsibility for celebrating the Guild’s 40th anniversary.



The Newsletter Editor is responsible for compiling items for the newsletter (issued monthly except for August), layout, printing, and providing an electronic copy for posting on the OCQG website. Other committee members are responsible for distribution of newsletter to members and working with shops and other businesses to place advertisements in the newsletter and on the OCQG website.



The Library Committee keeps track of the library collection, updates inventory lists as needed, and takes inventory once per year. Before the COVID-19 quarantine began, the committee had started cataloging the collection using the LibraryThing computer application. The OCQG library consists of over 300 quilting books plus assorted templates, videos, rulers and templates for members to borrow. The library opens about 30 minutes before the meeting and closes when the meeting starts.



The Technology Committee oversees the website (, including posting of the monthly newsletter, information about upcoming workshops and speakers, and registration for access to the “Members Only” section where the newsletter is made available. The Tech Committee uses the Guild’s MailChimp account to let members know when newsletters are posted and available each month and to issue special announcements throughout the year. It also manages the Guild’s social media accounts on Facebook ( and Instagram ( The Committee supports the use of Zoom video conferences by the Guild as a whole as well as by committees and small groups.

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Old Capitol Quilters Guild

Mailing address: 308 East Burlington Street #214, Iowa City, IA 52240


The Old Capitol Quilters Guild meets monthly September through July. Most meetings are held in person at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2301 East Court Street, Iowa City (corner of East Court and 1st Avenue).


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