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Online Resources for Quilters

Many of our advertisers -- local quilt shops and quilting-related service providers -- are changing their hours and adding or expanding ways to connect with customers. Visit our Advertisers page for links to their current policies and services.

As we all settle into a period of "social distancing," we’re collecting recommendations for free online resources that can inspire creativity among members of the Quilt Guild and help keep us busy and productive. Tell us your favorites in any of the categories below (or others!) by emailing us at and we’ll post them on this page. Just give us the link and a brief description of what it provides and why you like it.

         Tutorials     Patterns     Blogs     Videos     Tools & Supplies     Others?


Here are a few of our favorite online resources to get you started:


Angela Walters Midnight Quilt Show

Fons and Porter Quilting.  How appropriate that our last monthly meeting before the virus really took hold featured Marianne Fons. What a great inspiration and one of our best-attended meetings ever! 

Missouri Star Quilt Company. 

Tipsy Tuesdays with Gudrun Erla. Gudrun taught a popular workshop for the OCQG in October 2018. Each week she hosts a live chat with lots of photos through her Facebook page. If you didn’t catch them in real time, this link will take you to videos of them back through May 2018.


Moda Block Heads 3.  This block-of-the-week started in January 2020, but  all the blocks posted so far are still available and there will be 56 blocks all together, so you can always catch up. Even if you don't sew any of them, it's fun to look at how different each participating "Block Head's" entries are because of the wide variations in fabric designs and colors each uses.

Tools & Supplies

DMC Floss to Aurifil Color Conversion Chart

What if you need a particular color of Aurifil but you don't have a color card showing all of their threads. If you can find the right color in your stash (or a friend's stash) of DMC Floss or Pearl Cotton, you can use this chart to find the closest equivalent in Aurifil thread and then ask your shop to order it for you.

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Old Capitol Quilters Guild

Mailing address: 308 East Burlington Street #214, Iowa City, IA 52240


The Old Capitol Quilters Guild meets monthly September through July. Most meetings are held in person at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2301 East Court Street, Iowa City (corner of East Court and 1st Avenue).


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